quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014

Quantum, Behind the Scenes

Quantum Key West 2014 - Behind the Scenes - Quantum Racing from Valencia Sailing on Vimeo.

Quantum Sail Design Group, uma empresa global criada em 1996 por um grupo de experientes velejadores. Ambição, estratégia, aposta na tecnologia e foco nos clientes.
A fazer fé pelo equipamento de apoio que se vê no vídeo, a determinação é bem forte...

At Quantum, our mission is simple: to help our customers enjoy sailing to the fullest. There is no right or wrong way to accomplish this and we encourage every sailor to imagine his or her ideal. Our investment in iQ Technology™ is driven by our ambition to create a better sailing experience and to serve sailors on all levels, whatever their goals. For cruising sailors, Quantum delivers rugged, high performance sails that provide years of safe and comfortable sailing and reliable service. At extreme levels of the sport, sailors can expect the ultimate in speed, performance, and reproducible results.

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